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Review Policy and Disclaimer
Everything posted on this blog is my opinion (save guest posts, guest reviews, and interviews). I always post my 100% honest opinion. A review is not influenced by the fact that I received a free/discounted item, nor do I ever change my reviews based on seller/supplier requests (If a seller does contact me and ask me to change my review, I add to the review that they did so, but I do not change the review).
I cannot review a book if it is a continuation of a series or a sequel, and I have not read the first book(s). Please contact me about series reviews.
Books are given priority by publication date, not necessarily on a first-come first-served basis. I will review all unpublished books first, and published books second.
I will send the review to the publisher, author, source etc. as soon as I have finished it, but if the book publication is not scheduled for some time, I may wait to publish the review on the blog until closer to the publication date. With my e-mail, I will include a date the review will be live on the blog. I will send a link only by request.
I will usually post a review for every book I read. I cannot guarantee that I will finish the book, and I cannot guarantee that the review will be positive, but if I read it or any part of it, I will review it. Some exceptions may apply.
Please do not e-mail me and ask when a review is coming.
I do not give a star rating; I simply explain why I liked or didn't like the book. I will always mention sexual content, violence, and language, and leave a recommendation of the age group the book will appeal to.
I will always post my 100% honest opinion.
My opinion is founded with the presuppositions of the Christian Berean nondenominational church. This may or may not affect my opinion of the book.
Affiliate Networks
The Book Bop is part of Haley Mathiot's personal set of websites. I use the following affiliate networks to earn a small commission off of your purchases.
Amazon.com + Audible
I'm a reader. I'm obsessed with stories and writing and adventures and characters.
I'm a writer. My millions of personalities swim around and take over my mind on a regular basis. They're in charge. They tell their stories. I just do as I'm told.
Besides listening to books (oh, did I mention? I review audiobooks ALMOST exclusively!) I also work 2 full-time jobs and run 2 other blogs. So it gets a little crazy on my end!