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Beginner Follow-Along Barre - TV Themes

Hey guys! I hope you enjoy this beginner ballet barre! My follow-along classes are designed for students who are away from their teachers or their studios and want to do some work independently.

I recommend pausing after every few combos to catch your breath and drink some water! Stretch as needed, or follow up with my quick-stretch series.

  1. Birds of a Feather - track # 14

  2. Neighbours - track # 4

  3. Keeping Up Appearances - track # 7

  4. The Beverley Hillbillies - track # 28

  5. Mash - track # 18

  6. Inspector Morse - track # 19

  7. The Big Bang Theory - track # 27

  8. The Flying Doctors - track # 22

  9. It Ain't Half Hot Mum - track # 36


1st: 2 demi plié, 1 "intro" to grand. 3 slow elevé, plié to 2nd.

2nd: repeat, but keep the heels on the ground.

5th: repeat 1st, soutenue, and repeat 5th on the other side immediately.

Learn more about "intro to grand" here. Learn about ankle release here.



1-4: 2 tendu front

5: tendu front

6: en cloche back

7: en cloche front

8: close.

1-4: 2 tendu side

5: tendu side

6: plié in 2nd

7: tendu side

8: close back.

reverse from the back.



3 degagé, plié in 5th. Passé balance, close. Repeat f/s/b, then, passé face the barre, balance, soutenue to other side and repeat.



3 Piqué front, carry side; 3 piqué side, carry back; 3 piqué back, 2 en cloche. Reverse from the back.

8 slow en cloche, 16 counts double en cloche, closing in 5th on the last count.


Rond de Jambe

4 rond de jambe de hors. 1 grand en l'ar over 4 counts, 1 cambré forward, and reverse. Soutenue and repeat other side immediately.



1: tendu

2: lift

3: fondu

4: extend front

5: fondu

6: extend just a bit higher

7: tendu

8: close

repeat f/s/b, then,

1: tendu side

2-5: cambré into the barre and bring the arm out

6: soussus

7: soutenue

8: plié to repieat



4 slow frappé, f/s/b, 4 counts of petite battement with a flexed food (your own speed)

Reverse, with about 2 counts of petite battement with a pointed foot, soussus, soutenue, and repeat.


Balancoire and Grand Battement

7 balancoire, close front. 1 grand battement f/s/b, close. Reverse, and soutenue.

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