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Epaullement Barre - Intermediate Follow-Along Barre

This barre is designed for dancers who have 3-6 years of dance training, and who are focusing on the movement and positions of the head and shoulders. Each exercise has a focus on technique plus head position. I hope you enjoy!


  • La Moldau. Tendu - Josu Gallastegui, Curtain Call

  • A Chloris - Josu Gallastegui, Adagios

  • Barre. Tendu. Gypsy Song - Joyce Hammann, A Trip to Italy

  • Center Tendu - Kids album 1 - Behind Barres

  • Degage, two tempos - Josu Gallastegui, At Your Request

  • Pique - Josu Gallastegui, music for ballet class and character dancing, disk 1

  • Rond de Jambe a Terre (Sleepy Lagoon) - Christopher Hobson, Modern Ballet Studio Melodies, Vol 7

  • Adage, Iris - Christopher Hobson, Modern Studio Melodies, vol. 4

  • Extended Petit Allegro - Rob Thaller, Extended Music for Ballet Class

  • Grand Battement en Cloche (A Wonderful Guy) - Christopher Hobson, Inspirational Ballet Music from Stage and Screen

  • Battement Tendu (Chicago Medley) - Christopher Hobson, Inspirational Ballet Music from Stage and Screen

  • Pirouette (Itsumo Nando) - Christopher Hobson, Inspirational Ballet Music from Stage and Screen

Foot Warmup

1: (right foot) Ball

2: pointe - look over the shoulder

3: ball

4: heel

5-8: repeat on the left foot

1-4: Snake (demi plié, forced arch, stretch legs, lower heels)

5-8: reverse snake (elevé, plié, heels down, stretch legs.)

Repeat with the head going under instead of over.

Repeat the whole combination with the head over and under, but add a plié to the point (count 2 and 6).

To finish: elevé and balance.



in 1st

1-2: demi plié with head inclined under at the hand (moves to un bas and open), and stretch

3-4: demi plié with head inclined under at the hand( moves to high 5th and open), and stretch

5-8: grand plié

1-4: grand plié

5-7: cambré forward and come up

8: tendu to 2nd position

in 2nd:

1-2: grand plié with port de bras de dans

3-4: cambré into the barre

5-6: grand plié with port de bras de hors

7-8: cambré away from the barre

1-8: 3 slow elevé, bring arms to 5th, plié and tendu to 5th.

in 5st

1-2: demi plié with head inclined under at the hand (moves to un bas and open), and stretch

3-4: demi plié with head inclined under at the hand( moves to high 5th and open), and stretch

5-8: grand plié

1-4: grand plié

5-7: cambré into the barre and circle around to the back

8: tendu forward

in 4th:

1-8: temps lié f/b/f/b, tombé

1-7: circular cambré de hors,

8: elevé and soutenue to repeat.

Repeat the entire combination on the left.



1: Tendu front with the head over

2: close

3: tendu front with the head inclined under

4: close

5: Tendu front with the head over

6: en cloche to the back with the head under

7: tendu front with the head over

8: close

1-4: 2 tendu side and close

5: tendu side

6: roll down to 2nd

7: tendu

8: close to the back.

Reverse from the back. Repeat twice.


Fast Tendu

1-4: 4 tendu front with the arm circling de hors

5: tendu side

6: plié in 2nd, look over shoulder

7: tendu side

8: close 5th back.

Reverse de dans

Repeat, but look over the shoulder on the tendu side, plié in 2nd looking straight ahead.



Set 1:

1-4: 4 degagé front

5-8: 4 degagé back with inside foot

1-4: 4 degagé in 1st

5-8: 4 degagé in 5th, closing back.

Repeat from the back.

Set 2: 16 degagé in 1st with arm de hors and de dans

Set 3: Repeat set 1 with 1 degagé instead of 4. You'll do this twice.

Set 4: plié passé balance, plié pirouette de hors (twice). Balance, and coupé over pas de bourrée to turn to the other side.



Set 1:

1-2: 3 piqué front, open from the barre

3-4: 3 piqué side, en face

5-6: 3 piqué back, into the barre

7-8: 2 en cloche

1-8: reverse

1-16: Repeat

Set 2:

1-2: echappé side, open from the barre

3-4: echappé side, closed into the barre

5-8: repeat

1-2: echappé 4th

3-4: echappé 2nd

5-6: echappé 4th

7-8: echappé 2nd

Soussus, balance in sur le coups de pied, balance, soutenue to finish.


Rond de Jambe

1-4: 2rond de jambes with a plié front and extend to allongé back

5-8: 4 rond de jambes de hors a terre

1-4: grand rond de jambe en l'air

5-8: grand rond de jambe to arabesque, little penchée and close in 5th.


1-8: circular cambré de hors

1-8: circular cambré de dans, chassé forward on last count to tendu back

1-4: cambré down into a lunge,

5-6: cambré in as you come up

7-8: cambré back

1-4: cambré out as you lift to penchée

come out of the penchée, elevé, bend to attitude. face the barre to balance (can alternate hands). Promenade to other side, extend the leg to arabesque, soussus, coupé over to finish.


Adagio (fondu and developpé)

1-4: developpé front

5-6: plié in attitude

7: extend front

8-3: rond de jambe to the back

4: close back

5-6: fondu, extend front

7-8: fondu, extend side

&: close back

Reverse de dans.

1-4: developpé side

5-6: plié attitude

7: extend side

8: close

1-2: fondu, extend side (low-medium)

3-4: fondu, extend side (high height)

5-6: passé relevé and hold

7-8: close back

1-3: developpé front with the inside leg

4: brush to the back

5-7: penchée

8: come up and soussus back.

1: fondu

2: extend back on relevé

3: fondu, turning to face the barre

4: extend side on relevé

5: fondu, turning to the other side

6: extend fron ton relevé

7: soussus

8: plié or close to repeat immediately on the other side.



1-4: 3 frappé front

5-8: 3 frappé side

1-4: 3 frappé back

5-8: petite battement in sur le coups de pied


1-16: serré (battement battu) and tendu side

1-8: balance in coups de pied

1-4: balance in coups de pied with arms up

5-8: soussus, soutenue and repeat immediatley.


Grand Battement

1 battement in the following order: F, B, S, F, B, F, S, B. Soussus and repeat on relevé


Center tendu with body positions

Right foot: tendu croisé devant, close

Right foot: Tendu croisé devant opening the arm, close.

Right foot: tendu ecarté devant, close back.

Right foot: efacé derriere, close back.

Left foot: efacé devant, close front.

Left foot: ecarté derriere, close back.

Left foot: croisé derriere, detourné to croisé devant other side, close.

repeat left.


Balancé with piqué and pirouettes

Begin in 5th, or b+.

1-2: balancé right

3-4: balancé left

5-6: step cross soutenue (arms come up to 5th and down to pirouette 4th) to 5th and plié

7-8: pirouette de hors, close back.

1: front foot: piqué passé,

2: rock back to tendu

3: piqué arabesque to the side

4: rock back

5: piqué passé de dans pirouette

6: close back

7: passé relevé

8: close back.

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