So Sad Today
So Sad Today is a compilation of essays by Melissa Broder that narrates the interior monlologue of a person with mental ilness trying to survive and handle and deal with day to day life. Broder deals with a mariad of issues from sex and sexual identity, to masturbation, to anxiety attacks, to an addiction to the internet. It was fascinating, enlightlening, entertaining, and relatable. It was violently truthful and brutally honest. There are two sides of me responding to this book in two different ways. The fememist inside me wants every young person to read this book for three reasons: 1. you are not alone in what you think it sweirdness and strangeness. 2. Here is someone who has experienced things you are curious about. Live vicariously throug her and learn from her mistakes but do not make the same choices. 3. This book is both a journal and a love letter, and it’s from her to you, so read it understanding it as both.
The other part of me sees the stuff she’s dealing with and ache for her. Broder is dealing with issues and trying to answer questions with no guidance and no purpose and no direction. It’s a battle I’ve never had to fight because I don’t seek for my fulfillment from me, I find it in my identity in Christ. And that part of me that sees her hungry and seeking and lost and confused really wants to take her out to coffee. So Melissa, if you get a chance to read this, I’d like to take you to coffee. Or we could just text. :) Content/recommendation: mature and adult content. Lots of swearing and sex. 16+