I requested this book knowing very little about it besides it being sci-fi (and I can always go for a good sci-fi). As I began the journey, I expected the main character, a rainbow bamboo plant, to be some evil killer plant with ulterior motives, or to have some sinister secret. But it wasn't like that at all.
The story revolves around a colony of earth scientists who go to another planet in an attempt to get away from hate, war, famine, and injustice... and end up repeating history within the first generation. Luckily, some of the new citizens have their head on straight and the colony continues to thrive under the loving care of a sentient plant.
I still have some questions about the book... About the backstory, about the reasoning behind the First Generation and their choices, about the "Glass-makers," etc. But I think the book ended on a note that will allow for either future books, or an open ending to provide excellent discussion.
This would be a perfect book for a book club (Have you seen this one?) and was exciting and entertaining through the entirety. It was well written and decently narrated (despite the female voice being done by Caitlin Davies, who isn't bad, just isn't my favorite).
Paperback cover
Content/Recommendation - some violent scenes, including a semi-violent rape scene and a few murders. No language. Ages 18+