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Shadow of Crows series

Wake of Vultures book 1:

Wake of Vultures was an exciting, fast paced, interesting read. It was fun and different for me. It wasn’t phenomenal. I would probably read the next one in the series, but I wouldn’t spend money on it.

The biggest problem I had with the story was I felt that it tried to deal with too many things at once. Racism, sexism, sexual identity, slavery, nudity, and religion are all important and heavy topics. All of them together in one YA urban fantasy novel? It’s a bit excessive. Even though I of all people understand that sometimes when a story comes to you, as an author, you can’t change your character! That’s just who they are! And don’t get me wrong, the story was great and I enjoyed listening to it, and I was totally caught up in it. But there were times when I would listen and something would come up and I’d be like “this is too much. this is ridiculous.” It felt like overkill.

That aside, I enjoyed the book and look forward to the sequel.

Conspiracy of Ravens book 2:

This whole series has me feeling all mixed up.

On one hand, the plot and story has a lot of potential, the writing is pretty good and keeps me reading, and the characters are well developed and complex.

But on the other hand, there's a lot that I don't like. Most prominent, the main character in this story is a young girl abused to the point of a sexual identity crisis. (S)he has no identity, is very confused, and has very little guidance on the matter.

The plot also seemed to drag a little in this one near the end. The beginning and middle was fairly well paced, but it wasn't nearly as well thought out and complex as Wake of Vultures. And it didn't really end the way I wanted it to.

This series is not one I'm going to continue. Part of it is because of the slowness and disappointingness of the plot in this novel, but the other part is the subject of Nettie/Rhett's identity crisis.

I feel like because she was abused by a man she hated, and neglected by a woman who was supposed to keep her safe, she lost all respect for women. She didn't want to be a part of that "woman" stuff. So instead she decided to become what she had respect for: the men in the horse training camp.

But rather than become a strong heroine, she became a broken confused scared young girl who tries to change who and what she is because of past experiences.

And I know the author was trying to make a statement about something, but I feel like it's done more hurt than it's helped. I wish Nettie/Rhett would learn that she is indeed perfect just as she is, she wasn't born in the wrong body, and that being a man or a woman has nothing to do with who you are or how you act.

Somehow I doubt that'll happen. So I'm retiring this series and moving on to greener pastures.

Good luck, Nettie Lonesome.

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